Prices and Bookings

Schools & Groups


The Buried Village experience consists of three parts:

  1. Museum of Te Wairoa (30 minutes)
  2. Archaeological Site (40 minutes)
  3. Waterfall Trail (20 minutes)

Please allow 1-1.5 hours; however, the duration may be longer if students are involved with task sheet completion.

For the safety and comfort of students we recommend that groups be made up of a maximum of 30 students per group. We rely on the adult/pupil ratio set by individual school boards to be adhered to; however teachers should be aware of the water hazards while planning school visits. Te Wairoa Stream is .05 metres deep and the Wairere Falls is 30 metres.

If groups are larger than 30, we suggest staggering the groups. Where group A starts at the Museum of Te Wairoa and finishes with the Waterfall Trail. Where group B starts at the Archaelogical Site and finishes with the Museum of Te Wairoa.

For School Rates, please email with your school name, group size, and date & time of visit.

We provide a range of educational resources to visiting school groups.


Various publications are available for purchase.

The New Zealand Chronicle Newspaper $2.00
Tarawera and the Terraces by Philip Andrews $15.00
The Buried Village of Te Wairoa $16.50
Margarets Memories $10.00
Tarawera by Ron Keam $260.00

Postage to be added within New Zealand.

To order email


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